Apple Launches '12 Days Of Gifts' Promotion


Apple has just launched its annual 12 Days of Gifts campaign for 2013. In previous years, this campaign was available only in a few select countries, but not in the United States. For the first time Apple will now allow U.S. customers to participate in the giveaway.

In previous years, Apple called the promotion the ‘12 Days of Christmas’. The new name doesn’t quite have the same ring to it, but I presume it alienated people who believe in holidays other than Christmas, so they changed the branding to be more inclusive.

A by-product of dropping the Christmas branding is a new look for the app itself. Gone are the holly and snow decorations … replaced by ambiguous gold circles. The app looks pretty good, but the icon is sloppy. It’s not flat enough for iOS 7 and adorns a weird (uneven) edge effect at the top-left and bottom-right corners.